There’s “No Chance in Hell” That You’ve Ever Seen These Vince McMahon Tattoos

Vincent Kennedy McMahon grew up not knowing his father, but wrestling was already flowing through his veins. After finally meeting his father at age 12, he decided that he wanted to become a wrestler but was discouraged from doing so.

After graduating college, McMahon went to work for his father at the World Wide Wrestling Federation. He began his career as a ring announcer before becoming a play-by-play commentator. McMahon founded Titan Sports in 1980, and after a decade of working for his father, he purchased the WWWF from him in 1982.

Changing the name to the World Wrestling Federation (WWF), the promotion split from the National Wrestling Alliance with McMahon begining his expansion into other territories and poaching their talent. 1985 saw the inaugural WrestleMania held at Madison Square Garden, with celebrities like Mr. T, Cyndi Lauper, and the legendary Muhammad Ali participating in the event; it was the beginning of what would come to be known as sports entertainment.

McMahon continued to work as a commentator, and then 25 years ago, he adopted the Mr. McMahon character and became one of wrestling’s greatest heels. Being a heel seemed to come so naturally to him – read into that what you will.

McMahon’s feud with “Stone Cold” Steve Austin saw him make his wrestling debut on April 13, 1998, at age 52.

The Attitude Era Austin-McMahon rivalry is magic which may never be replicated. It’s amazing that the pair managed to have such an incredible feud (in terms of storytelling) and managed to ruin it all when Austin aligned himself with McMahon at WrestleMania X-Seven in 2001.

McMahon had his last match at WrestleMania 38, almost 25 years since his first. During his in-ring career, he was a one-time WWE Champion, a one-time ECW Champion, and a Royal Rumble match winner. He wrestled in matches against his own children, Shane and Stephanie, and had his head shaved by Donald Trump.

Vince McMahon transformed professional wrestling into what it is today – with all the recent controversies, it’s the one thing that nobody can deny.

But the questions is: would you get a Vince McMahon tattoo?

Traditional style Vince McMahon portrait tattoo by @nate_sprenkle_tattoos
Illustrative cartoon Vince McMahon tattoo by @gooneytoons
Flaming Vince McMahon tattoo by @blakelawsontattoo

Given the ego of the man, I imagine Vince McMahon would love looking at himself in these tattoos, and he’d have this reaction.

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